Hi, I am Zara! Now I will show you how to fall asleep quickly and have a good night's sleeping during 6 hours. The first thing you need to understand is that sleeping is not a period when you are lying unconscious. During a dream, you recover, purify and improve your body. In fact, when you falling asleep, you liedown in a regeneration chamber where your body is repaired and healed. However, if you don’t make the right conditions, your body will be badly restored. Therefore, during the day, you will feel broken and you will artificially have to motivate yourself to do something. Well, you often have a bad dream, your body will become old faster. So you can read this article to make your dream perfect, the body is younger, and life is longer.
First, let us define what is a Good Sleeping1. You can fall asleep by yourself during 5-10minutes. In addition, you do not need to use any sleeping pills and sedatives. 2. You wake up only in the morning. Rare revivals in the middle of the night do not bother you, because you can fall asleep again very quickly. 3. You get up by yourself without any help of alarm clocks and you are cheerful and rested. In addition, this is enough to keep the whole day efficient. 4. You fall asleep and wake up at approximately the same time - between 10-15 minutes. 5. Even if for some reason make you late with sleeping for a couple of hours, but in the morning you can wake up at the same time and it does not make you any trouble. So, how you can to come to these indicators,and after that start to sleep well.
(1). The Room Where You Sleep Must Be As Dark As Possible: Any light bulb from the technology working in sleep mode, the light from street lamps will irritate your brain during sleep, that means that the quality of rest become lower. The same is for any sounds that might disturb you. Therefore, if you can make conditional of dark and silence - just buy a mask and ear plugs.
(2). Try To Go Sleeping Around 22 Pm And Go Up At 6 Am: The fact that every hour of sleeping before midnight gives a 2-fold greater effect in terms of rest. It means, if you go to bed at 22 and get upat 4 am, and get enough sleeping in just 6 hours. In addition, in terms of efficiency it will be equal to 8 hours of sleeping, as if you lay down at midnight and got up at 8 am. So our physiology is created in accordance with biological rhythms.
(3). An Hour Before Bedtime, It’s Better Not To Load Your Brain With Horror, Work, Or Some Howelse To Strain It: Because during sleeping the brains processes 6 times the information that came to it in the last hour. Therefore, if your brain strains an hour before sleep, the night will be strain, without relax. Try to read something easy, listen to music, play with the child or do something else easily. If you really need to solve some problem, use the technique from this article. In most cases, in the morning you will wakeup with the solution of this task. Moreover, what is the most better without the effort on your part.
(4). During Sleeping, Our Body Not Only Rests, But Also Cleanses Itself From Toxins And Waste Products: In addition, the worst thing you can do is a tight dinner. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime. In addition, it is better to avoid heavy food, for example, like meat. Otherwise, your organism during the night will be engaged in restoration, and in digestion of supper. As you know, it is impossible to have good sleeping. If you are very hunger before going to bed, just drink a glass of milk an hour before go to bed.
(5). Take Care Of Your Health And Raising Your Life Energy: First, check your health completely. If you have nothing hurts now it does not mean that there is no diseases. Any disease spends the resources of your body. Therefore, at night the processes of recovery and regeneration are not so effective. In addition, make your sleeping heavy and disturbing. The next thing that you need to understand is that the less you are active during the day, the more you will have problems with sleep and the process of falling a sleeping.
Most of the problems with insomnia just arisein this case. The human’s body just does not have time to spend all the energy for the day, and therefore the body simply does not want to sleep, sinceit still has a large supply of excess energy. So find time and ways for physical activity. In addition, one more thing - if you have excess weight, then your dream will also flow with a low efficiency of the recovery processes.
(6). Sleep On A Hard Bed At Night The Body Must Be Stretched: Bones and joints can only be stretched when we lie on a hard bed. This is especially important for the spine. Understand a simple thing. Our body was formed millennia in the course of evolution. Then there were no orthopedic mattresses. Moreover, our body is accustomed to recovery precisely when we sleep on hard surfaces. If you like pillows and mattresses, you choose comfort instead of restoration and rejuvenation. Think about what is best for you and make the right choice.
(7). Make Your Bedroom A Friendly Place: Comfortable temperature in the room is 21degrees. Complete darkness and turn off any sounds. The bedroom should be ventilated before you go to bed. Ideally, it is better to sleep with microairing. That is, there must be a constant flow of fresh air. For registration use warm, soothing colors, which will bring you into equilibrium before going to bed. Turn off all electrical appliances. Even use sleep mode, they emit electromagnetic radiation that disturbs your sleep.
(8). Try To Sleep Naked: Even the most comfortable clothing during sleep are disrupt blood circulation, slowing down the recovery process. These are all the basic recommendations that will help you get well sleeping during 6 hours. The more you use, the faster you will fall asleep and the more you will have the strength during the next day. In occasion of a sleeplessness, I have already told, that its main reason is a small physical activity during day. The more energy you spend the day, the faster you will fall asleep. In addition, a 15-minute walk with a calm step before going to bed or a warm, relaxing shower will help you fall asleep faster. That's all. If you want to get ready answers to almost all occasions of life - learn more about intelligence maps. Subscribe for more information like this.
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