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Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Sugar Withdrawal Symptoms - All You Need To Know


 Hi I'm Zara for making sugar-free and today I'm going to talk to you about sugar withdrawal. We all know that eating too much sugar can be bad for us in so many ways and there really aren't many of the dietary changes like cutting out sugar that can have so many positive effects on your overall health and well-being. When you quit sugar you can expect to lose weight get clear skin have more energy better sleep... the list goes on and on but of course kicking the sugar habit isn't always that easy due to the highly addictive nature of sugar itself. 

So why is sugar so addictive? Well the fructose that makes up 50% of pretty much all types of sugars triggers the happy hormone called dopamine, when we eat it making it very easy to get hooked so much so that lab tests with rats have found sugar to be as addictive as cocaine. Like any addiction there will be a sugar withdrawal so I'm going to talk you through the symptoms and what to expect if you click sugar. You won't notice any difference the first morning you won't feel any different at all you might know you've decided to quit sugar but your body doesn't... yet. May be by mid-morning or after lunch you're likely to feel cravings kicking in and depending on your level of addiction, these may be mild cravings or they may be quite strong.

  This is where you need to have will power plain simple. Cravings might last a day or even a few days they will get milder and eventually go altogether. I always suggest having plenty of savory snacks at hands for when cravings attack and whatever you do make sure that you don't get hungry. Hunger is your biggest enemy when trying to quit sugar! When you get hungry your resolve weakens and I know all too well, because I've been there too. 

Another sugar withdrawal symptom you may experience is a headache, which can becaused by the alterations in your hormones and the toxins that are leaving your body so make sure you drink plenty of water. More symptoms of withdrawal from sugar are aches and pains again if you do experience this it won't be forlong so get yourself plenty of rest. There's also the possibility that you'llfeel a little 'hangry' too, which can often be the effects of low blood sugar so just like with the cravings make sure you don't get hungryand keep on snacking throughout the day. 

If you've been using sugar as a source of energy throughout your normal day and suddenly removing it means that your body will need to recalibrate and if need be start to burn fat as energy source instead. All of these symptoms might last a few hours - even a day or two depending on how much sugar you've been eating previously and how long but most cases they are very mild. I give plenty more tips on how to cope with cravings on the website. And now for the positives! All these symptoms are temporary and by cutting sugar from your diet you will soon reap the benefits remove and sugar from your life like weight loss, less brain fog, better sleep, more energy and clear skin. 

It's also worth remembering how sugar can make you feel when you're eating it. I remember eating too much sugar and it would give me headaches, I'd feel nauseous, I get muscle aches and disturb sleep. You might want to think about taking supplements during a sugar detox. Chromium is greatat regulating blood sugar levels helping insulin work more effectively and whilstminimizing cravings. Depleted magnesium can also actually create cravings when you first quit so make sure you take a supplement or eat foods high in magnesium such as whole grains spinach and nuts. 

I've included some more tips on how you can avoid most of these symptoms in my blog and my 21 day super detox program is designed to minimize any effects when you quit sugar by including meal plans that are full of important vitamins and minerals to keep cravings to a minimum. 

Although you might experience some of the symptoms I've mentioned don't let that put you off making such an important change to your diet. You really will be doing yourself such a favor by cutting out all  sugar. Some people worry that doing a sugar detox means that they can never eat anything sweet ever again. This isn't true. A sugar detox will reset your metabolism and your palate. You'll break the sugar cycle and the sugar addiction and you will appreciate taste so much more and things muchtastes sweet sweeter. 

So if you do feel like eating something sweet after your detox you'll be doing on your terms and not to feed an addiction. In summary sugar withdrawal really isn't something to worry about or be afraid of, however continuing to eat excessive amounts of sugar really is. Then try new healthy look. I hope you have enjoyed my article. If you like my article please follow for more information like this and share with your family and friends, thanks for reading.

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