Hey guys Zara is here, in this article we're going to talk about the parathyroid gland. Now what are the parathyroid glands?There's four of them now if we take a look at the Adam's apple, which is right up here on the top of the trachea right, below it is the thyroid so the thyroid is located about two-and-a-half inches at the bottom of your neck okay. The parent thyroid are behind the thyroid gland okay, they're in the back part and they control calcium.
In fact the name of the hormone that controls calcium is the parathyroid hormone okay pretty simple right. So what does it do if this is such a tight control for calcium in the blood like it always wants to maintain a constant stable calcium. It will do anything to keep that level, there so it'll increase in decrease based on the level of calcium in the blood.
It's like a thermostat if you set it at 72, your thermostat is constantly turning off and on off and on all day and all night right. Same thing with the parathyroid or the calcium in the blood okay so it just maintains a very tight control because we need calcium for the main for a lot of things one is the main communication between nerves you need calcium okay.
So now when this hormone increases, it increases calcium in the blood all right. So it's raising calcium your blood, now where does it get it from, if it gets it from the bone. So it'll literally rob the bone of calcium to keep normal levels of calcium in the blood.
Now it also the parathyroid hormone also activates vitamin D in other words. Vitamin D in your body is usually inactive and it has to be converted to the active form of vitamin D.
The parathyroid hormone activates the enzyme, to do that why because it's another control of calcium. So it will actually increase the conversion based on what's happening to the calcium levels and then it will increase it by increasing more vitamin D, because vitamin D actually helps you or calcium by 20 times in the intestines raising the calcium in the blood. Now what is the problem of too much calcium in the blood, is the big problem so sometimes these little glands can enlarge and turn into tumors.
If that happens this hormone starts increasing more and more and more and that means you're going to be robbing more calcium from the bone. That's one of the causes of osteopenia that's a lower thinning of the bones it's a mild version of osteoporosis and then you get osteoporosis which is a major demineralization of the bone.
Then you can get fractures bone pain and another condition called hypercalcemia which basically means too much calcium in the blood. The problem with too much calcium in the blood, is that you can get high blood pressure. You ever heard of a calcium channel blocker that's the medication that blocks calcium, well why do you think they use that for blood pressure.
Atrial fib palpitations kidney stones, you get kidney stones for having a tumor on your parathyroid. So if they keep coming back tiredness, why because the calcium is not working within the brain and the nervous system and everything starts slowing down. That's why you have memory loss, concentration problems and you can even have GERD that's a digestive issue, that means the valve on the top of stomach is not closing correctly. So the parathyroid is very important in controlling calcium.
You can also have hypo calcium iya or you can have low amounts of the hormones and there's a whole series of other symptoms that you can get. But if you look this up the the tumor on the parathyroid gland, they say well we don't know what causes. So we just remove it okay, so it's but it's still the success rate is pretty high even if you remove it, because you have four of them.
Sometimes they you can go tumors on multiple glands, but what I did is I got out my trusty toxicology book right this is an amazing book that you can get a lot of information from and I turn to the chapter on the parathyroid okay. I wanted to see if there's any problem we research being done in that area and has tumors of the parathyroid, one is aluminum, one is a chemical.
I can't even pronounce ozone and the influence of xenobiotic chemicals. What's a xenobiotic chemical? Those are foreign chemicals pesticides, herbicides, fungicides. So that's really what causes tumors, the same tumors that are in other parts of the body are which are triggered by chemicals also affect this as well. So I don't know why they don't make the connection with these chemicals.
So this is just another reason, why you need to continue to consume cruciferous and other vegetables simply because thank goodness. Nature has left a remedy for all the chemicals that we are exposed to you see. So many people just ending up with these weird diseases and dreamers on the parathyroid for no reason well, that's the reason because we're constantly exposed to that. So anyway I wanted to just kind of give you the basics on the parathyroid and put your comments below follow me thanks for watching.
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