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Sunday, 28 February 2021

Vitamin D Toxicity: Is This A Danger?


 So I wanted to touch on vitamin D toxicity because there's a bit of fear of taking too much vitamin D. When infact it might not be as scary as you might think, this document is by Mayo Clinic and it's a great article and it says this vitamin D is not as toxic as was once thought a historical and up-to-date perspective. So this is just abrief history on why some people are still to this day a little bit scared about taking too much vitamin D and the 40's vitamin D was used for rheumatoidarthritis.

 But did you realize the amount they were using were between two hundred thousand IUs and three hundred thousand IUs, I mean an average person might take six hundred IU's to a thousand IU's right. There talking 200 thousand to three hundred thousand and the reason this works is vitamin D really helps the immune system and gets rid of inflammation. But then in the fifties they were actually fortifying the dairy products and other products. 

But there's been some complaints from parents with children who had some side effects calcification and the kidneys and even some calcification on their heart valves. So the fortification of vitamin D and dairy was banned in Europe but not necessarily in America or Canada or I think even in the UK now years later they found out exactly why these specific children had these problems. It was because they had a rare genetic disease called Williams syndrome in which case you don't want to take vitamin D at all or else you'll have calcification in the valves of the heart as well as kidney stones. So if we take out this rare genetic disease, there wasn't a lot of side effects there was just a lot of benefits.

 Nowadays when you look at vitamin D, it always says precaution, make sure you don't take too much you could experience a toxic effect. Now that statement is in all the textbooks, it's on all the websites soit's, all over the place. 

So people are a bit nervous about that but if you got hrough this article, it would take fifty thousand to a hundred thousand IU's of vitamin D for months two years before vitamin D became toxic. Now this is a lot more than what people even consider toxic and when we say toxicity we're talking about hypercalcemia. Too much calcium in the blood which could lead to kidney stones.

 However there's very little evidence, if any evidence that shows that taking vitamin D will lead to kidney stones at all. So people end up taking smaller amounts 1,000 to 2,000 IU's per day for a period of time. if you're deficient and you take a thousand milligrams it could take four months or longer before your deficiency is satisfied to be able, to put auto immune conditions into remission. It does take large amounts for long periods of time and on top of that.

 If you wanted to decrease the risk of any potential for this, really what you do is you actually drink 2.5 litres of fluid every single day and you avoid taking calcium as a supplement. You avoid dairy and that will actually bring the risk for kidney stones way down.

 So you can then have the anti-inflammatory benefits for autoimmune conditions and also realize that anything that I say in this article  is not meant to replace your medical care, check with your doctor before taking any of my advice.  I think you'll find it quite Intereste and follow my blog for more daily tips like this, thanks for reading.

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