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Sunday, 21 March 2021

9 Drinks Other Than Water You Need To Try To Lose Weight


 Hey there, viewers. Are you trying to lose weight? Do you not have the time to exercise? Well there are plenty of simple drinks you can fix yourself to slim down. Most people resort to simply drinking water, but there are so many other options outside of a glass of H2O. Let’s talk about 9 Drinks Other Than Water You Need to Try To Lose Weight. Where does green tea rank? How about soy milk? Should you have more protein shakes? Wait a second, what exactly is kefir? We’re talking all that AND more… 

(1). Kefir: This is a fermented milk drink. It’s similar to a light yogurt in a way. While it may be an acquired taste, kefir is really good for weight loss. For one, it’s filled with probiotics that help improve your digestive system. The better you process and digest food, the more chances you have of losing weight. Studies have found that Kefir grains apparently hold around 61 strains of yeast and bacteria. This bacteria keeps your gut in check, which helps your digestive system. On top of probiotics, unsweetened kefir is really low in calories. A single cup of low-fat kefir is around 100. This will also include about 13 grams of protein. It allows you to feel full for a longer period of time, helping you control your appetite and avoid unnecessary snacks. Have you ever tried kefir? What’s your favorite kind to drink? Sound off in the comment section and start a conversation with us...

(2). Black Tea: I know, if you’re an avid tea drinker, blacktea seems kind of boring. But just bare with me for a second. It helps to stimulate your digestive system, allowing you to lose weight. You see, black tea has something called polyphenols. These are antioxidants that help control your body weight. Research has found that black tea reduces your calorie intake. This is due to the polyphenols. As a result, you’re going to lose weight. This works by stimulating fat breakdown and increasing the growth of good gut bacteria. If your goal is to drop pounds this year, give black tea a try.

(3). Herbal Tea: If you want something more out of your tea, herbal tea is usually the way to go. For one, things like hibiscus tea are on the sweeter side. This will help you control cravings, as your sweet tooth has now been satisfied. If you’re starting a new fitness regimen, it doesn’t hurt to drink herbal teas before bed. The lack of caffeine means you won’t be up all hours of the night. When it comes to the different types of herbal tea, your choices are endless. I mean, you have hibiscus, ginger, peppermint, lemon and chamomile. A study once found that rats who were fedginger powder every day for four weeks saw significant changes in their health. This included reduced body weight and lower cholesterol. These are all terrific herbal drinks to have between meals. 

(4). Apple Cider Vinegar: This is one you probably have some where in your kitchen. ACV is an excellent drink for weight loss. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which will help decrease your insulin levels, control your appetite and burn body fat. Apple cider vinegar can help reduce fat in important areas, particularly the belly and liver. This allows for better functioning with in your internal organs. ACV will also stop your stomach from emptyingas quickly. This means you will stay full longer and not be tempted to eat as many snacks. Research has shown that this drink can really help a person slim down. Drinking 2 tablespoons a day will reduce your waist size as well as your belly fat. Now as you could imagine, apple cider vinegaris pretty sour, so drink it carefully. You don’t want to be walking around with a sour face.

(5). Coffee: Who doesn’t like a good cup of coffee every now and then? Well if you’re looking to drop some weight, prepare for your drive-thru trips to double. Coffee is one of the most helpful weight loss drinks. It holds so many weight loss features. I’m talking about caffeine, which stimulates your body and gives you energy to move around more. Caffeine will also boost your metabolism and burn your body fat. Research has found that adults who drink black coffee on the regular consume fewer calories overall throughout the day. This leads to a pretty significant weightloss overtime. People who slim down dramatically are often shown to drink more caffeinated beverages than others. Just make sure you are drinking your coffee black. You don’t want any sugar or supplements getting in the way. The antioxidants located in black coffee also have a ton of great benefits. If you’re on the go, pour yourself a nice cup of black coffee and take it with you. 

(6). Vegetable Juice: For those of you looking for new ways to shed pounds, vegetable juice is another fantastic drink choice. While fruit juice gets a bad wrap for its weight gain effects, vegetable juice is the exact opposite. In one 2010 study, adults who drank 16 ounces of low sodium vegetable juice lost so much more weight than people who didn’t. It also decreased the amount of carbs they were taking in, which added to the weight loss. Much like our list of herbal teas, your choice in vegetable juices never seem to end. Outside of the usual carrot or tomato juice, you also have spinach, kale, cucumber and broccoli. Now I get these aren’t ideal drinks to quench your thirst. But if you want those good nutrients, you might have to toughen up and get through it. Now it might be best to eat more whole vegetables. While veggie juice is really good for you, it lacks the same fiber offered in actual solid food. The juice will help you lose weight none theless. 

(7). Soy Milk: This is another weight loss drink that often goes over looked. Some people hear the word “milk” and just tune out. Soy milk is loaded with protein and fiber. Just a single cup contains 3 grams of fiber as well as 11 grams of protein. Soy milk also contains less calories than regular milk. That same cup is a little less than 130, while the usual cup of regular milk comes to about 150. One piece of research from years back showed that people who drank 720 ml of soy milk a day lost the same amount of weight as people who drank skim milk. Another study showed that women who drank a glass of soy milk every day for 4 weeks had a smaller waist circumference than skim milk drinkers. So if you’re at the super market, don’t hesitate to pick up some more soy milk. 

(8). Green Tea: This is among the most popular weight loss drinks around. Who hasn’t tried some green tea by now? When it comes to useful nutrients and antioxidants, green tea sure packs a punch! It is perfect for people trying to slim down. Studies have shown that green tea can decrease both your body weight and fat. People who drink green tea every day havea much better chance of weight loss than non-green tea drinkers. Green tea holds something called catechins. These are antioxidants that increase fat burning and boost metabolism. For this reason, matcha green tea is the best kind to drink. It holds more catechins than any other green tea around, and really benefits weight loss. Research has found that women who drink 3 grams of matcha per day burned more fat than women who didn’t consume the drink. Another great aspect of green tea, matchaor not, is the amount of caffeine it holds. This will boost your energy and keep you active throughout the day. Just something to think about the next time you pour yourself a cup. 

(9). Protein Shakes: A low-carb protein shake is exactly what you need to get in shape. Not only is it great for your muscles post-workout, it’s good for satisfying your hunger. Your typical protein shake holds just under 50 grams of protein. This includes whatever other ingredients you usually mix in with it. Protein shakes also have other useful nutrients such as sodium and potassium. So if you’re starting to exercise, mixing up a protein shake with your favorite fruits is a good weight loss method. Oh, and did I mention it's delicious? The things you drink are so important for weight loss. You never know what might be packing on the pounds. Are you having any drinks on this list? Let us know in the comments below! Follow for more information like this, thanks for reading.

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