Hey there, viewers! Have you been eating certain foods thinking they’re healthy for you, only to not see any results? Believe it or not, there are certain foods we’ve been told are healthy, when really they aren’t. Let’s talk today about 8 Foods That Pretend To Be Healthy For You. Is dried fruit on the list? How about canned veggies and fruits? Did certain cheese brands make it? Wait, gluten-free food? Are you serious? We’re going to get into that.
(1). Gluten-Free Food: We’re starting things off with a heart breaker. Unfortunately, gluten-free food isn’t all it's cracked up to be. Let’s first be clear... gluten is a protein found in grains. You can get it in things like wheat and rye. For people with celiac disease, gluten triggersa response from your immune system that damages that lining of the small intestine. In order to avoid health problems, these people usually resort to gluten-free foods instead. The problem is gluten free food contains aton of refined additives. This only makes them more harmful then they’re meant to be. While they may be healthy to the small percentage of people who need them, a person who’s not suffering from celiac disease is better off with regular food. Gluten-free products are generally no healthier than foods that contain gluten. These foods are heavily processed, and don’t allow for any significant health benefits. Have you tried a gluten-free diet? Did it work for you? Sound off in the comment section and start a conversation with our us…
(2). Starchy Vegetables: People hear the word “vegetable” and automatically think they’re eating healthy. Well, you’re wrong. If you’re eating nothing but starch-filled veggies, you’re going to be getting your fair share of nutrients. The problem lies in the high amount of carbs you're getting. Starchy vegetables have 3 to 4 times more carbs than non-starchy kinds. People with diabetes are strongly recommended to limit their starchy vegetable intake. Instead, they should follow a strict low-carb diet. Take a potato for example. Just one medium potato contains about 12% of your daily carbs. Other starchy veggies include things like corn, yams, and pumpkins. If you’re looking for non-starchy vegetables to eat instead, the choices are endless. I mean you have broccoli, asparagus, carrots and cauliflower for starters. They may not be the tastiest, but they’re good if you’re watching your carbs.
(3). Yogurt: What, you’re trying to tell me yogurt is bad for you? I’ve been eating it forever. Here’s the thing, yogurt comes in so many different forms. Depending on the brand you’re getting, you can have calcium, potassium and vitamins. But if you’re getting yogurt from your local grocery store, you need to be extra careful. Store-bought yogurt brands have a ton of sugar, and there are not a lot of nutrients to make up for it. This includes protein. Since yogurt doesn’t come in a solid form, it doesn’t feel as filling. As a result, you’ll only eat more of it, causing you to put on weight. To fix this, make sure you’re buying yogurt with less sugar. Look on the label to find the right kind. Ideally, this yogurt should have less than10 grams of sugar per portion. Greek yogurt is also another smart option.
(4). Instant Oatmeal: You know oatmeal for its many nutrients, as well as benefits to your health. But like yogurt you need to be eating the right type. Instant oatmeal isn’t really the way to go. The oatmeal you can cook in the microwave doesn’t really do a whole lot for your health. Smaller oatmeal flakes are ranked higher on the glycemic index. This measures the speed in which food increases your level of blood glucose. In the case of instant oatmeal, you’re only consuming more calories. Over time, your blood pressure will increase. Add sweetener to the mix, and it’s even worse. Instead, eat more brands of regular oatmeal. The type you cook over the stove. This will give you the right benefits, and taste awesome!
(5). Processed Cheese: There’s a lot of delicious cheese out there. Whether or not it’s good for you is a different story. Processed cheese should be a no-go if you’re trying to get in shape. It just has so many gross additives, not to mention a ton of sodium. One regular serving of processed cheese has nearly 270 mg. That’s over 12% of your daily suggested intake. A single sandwich with three slices of processed cheese will give you roughly two-thirds of your daily requirement. While there is a decent amount of calcium and less than 70 calories, there are very few other nutrients. People with weight issues and heart disease should really avoid eating processed cheese. Their health problems will only get worse. What you want to do is go for healthier brands like cottage cheese. While it also has a generous amount of sodium, it makes up for it with protein. This will increase your feeling of fullness and help you lose weight.
(6). Dried Fruits: Not everybody eats dried fruit, but for those who do, you might want to think twice before your next serving. Dried fruits in and of themselves are not terrible for you. They can boost the amount of fiber and nutrients in your body. It’s the preservatives that you need to be scared of. In order to maintain dried fruits, they add fungicides and sulfur dioxide. Another downside is the amount of sugar indried fruit. I mean sure, it helps them taste delicious, but it adds so many calories. For a person with health problems, dried fruit can be the kiss of death. One of the things you can do to fix this is avoid temptation and eat dried fruit in a small portion. Don’t just put a whole bunch in a bowl and stuff yourself with them. Have a couple and move on. If you’re looking for fruits to eat, I’d suggest eating fresh fruits from the grocery store. There’s more than enough to choose from.
(7). Canned Food: Canned items are generally hit and miss. Much like preserving dried fruits, canned goods need to go through a process of their own. During said process, proteins, vitamins and minerals usually go untouched. Studies show that foods with tons of nutrients maintain them after being canned. But there’s still a lot of preservatives added. With some products, you’re getting an overload of sugar and salt. Take a can of red kidney beans for example. Just a cup contains almost 900 mg of sodium. That’s close to 40% of your suggested intake for the day. If you’re someone suffering from heart problems, you’re going to want to avoid this. At the same time, you’re getting quite a bit of protein to make up for it. So there are positives. Something else to be cautious of when it comes to canned goods is the possibility of bacteria. Now keep in mind this is rare, but products that aren’t canned properly sometimes hold a deadly kind. If you eat this, you’re consuming contaminated food. This causes something known as botulism (baa-chu-liz-m),an illness that can lead to paralysis, or even death.
(8). Banana Chips: This is one of those fun treats that really hits the spot. Have you not tried banana chips before? They’re just too good to miss out on. That’s why it’s such a shame they made it on to this list. To get it out of the way, banana chips do have some pretty good benefits. Imagine eating a banana, but in dried chip form. You're getting some pretty decent fiber, and a good amount of potassium and iron. But after that, there’s not much to bragabout. Banana chips are pretty empty. You’re not getting a whole lot of vitamins, and they’re packed with saturated fat. Just a single ounce serving of banana chips gives you over 40% of your saturated fat for the day. The people who manufacture banana chips usually add flavor enhancers and deep fry their products. This is what makes them so freaking good. While a serving has a relatively low amount of calories, they are just so addictive. You’ll keep coming back for more. If you want to make a healthier version of banana chips, try cutting a banana into thin slices and cooking them in the oven. This will save you from a lot of the deep-fried nonsense. Your diet is just so important. There’s nothing worse than thinking you’re being healthy, when you’re really the opposite. Have I sparked your interest? Let’s read some other diet-friendly articles, on our site.Subcribe and follow for more contents like this. Are you eating any of these foods? Let us know in the comments below!
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