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Friday, 18 December 2020

What Is Acne And How To Treat Acne/ Scars & Pimples


 At some point when we were all teenagers. We've all suffered with acne or at least have been scared of acne. Today we are going to sit down and deal with acne. See that it's not such a great problem that it's not beatable is one of the most psychologically distressing common problem. which all of us have faced at some point of our life.

  What exactly is acne and how does it happen. We all have appendages on skin and oneof the appendage is your oil glands or the sebaceous gland. The sebaceous glandis like a little tunnel at the bottom where the sebaceous the sebum or these baceous secretions are secreted and then it comes out through an opening called the skin pore that you see an oily skin. You see the pore wide open because the gland is more active and the gland is bigger. As the base kind of grows bigger with more activity and more sebum the opening also grows wider. 

When you see an open pore really wide open it is because his skin is excessively oily. Oil is on the top it is plumbed with the dead skin cells and with fat. Then it looks to you like a whitehead or a coma dome when that oxidizes because there is a small little aperture on top. It becomes a blackhead and a Commodore again when this secretion inside gets infected with bacteria.

 When it turns to a pimple or an acne some of y'all at the age of 20 25 must be still wondering. Why do you keep getting acne or pimples or zitsat the same spot and it keeps recurring. Sometimes you do see many zits all on the forehead and they are caused by a fungus. This is a fungus which is normally present on the skin and on the scalp. It tends to over grow in times of humidity or stress and it migrates down onto the forehead and along the hairline margin.  This is called preterius poram folliculitis.

Very rarely some people get deep pimples or deep zits under the eyebrow or between the eyebrows and that is a because of stress. If they've had too much sugars in their diet.  Stay away from refined foods.

 Next we come to the nose the nose the most prominent area on the face. This sometimes you will see just a general redness and occasionally this redness spills over onto the cheeks. Sometimes you may get some zits or some pimples on the nose and this is anentity called rosacea. This happens because of acidity in the stomach. Secondly sometimes people have a lot of rash on the cheeks small red dots. They keep getting and that could be because of too much of sunlight say at the age of 20 or 22.

 They have only blackheads and whiteheads and this is because of application of come dogenic creams or make up which has not agreed with their skin. This goes by the name of acne. Cosmetic a-- peopleon the chain getting loves its and on along the jawline and some people just explored one week before the period. This is a hormonal acne. This is almost akin to PMS that is premenstrual syndrome rarely abnormality of the thyroid also can give rise to these deep zits along the jawline and the chin.

 What causes acne it could be a condition or it could be a food certain conditions. We have hormonal imbalance one of them is insulin resistance. If our teenager or any adult has high insulin levels they tend to get more acne.If they have a sugary starchy food so that produces extra extra insulin. Which produces inturn the poor clogging sense. Which causes active your thyroids may bemal functioning. Therefore your skin could be very oily or very dry and then lead to acne. It could be your polycystic ovary syndrome which is one of the most common things happening today which means to say your ovaries are getting cystic.

 Therefore they are producing extra hormones female as well as male and if you are obese. If you have put on some weight the female hormone which is produced is again peripherally converted into testosterone in the peripheral fatso. If you don't keep your skin really cleaning that itself can cause the oilsto kind of settle. There it to clog further and therefore cause an infected pustule which is an acn.

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