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Sunday, 6 December 2020

Three Powerful Tecniques To Increase Your IQ

  Hey guys! todayI'll be going over three powerful techniques to increase your IQ which are simple ways to become smarter! In the past, not very long ago, it was believed that your brain's intellectual capacity and your IQ was fixed when you reached adulthood. It went as far as that by age 7, your brain's fate was determined for the rest of your life. Glad to say that has been proven false with more and more scientific research and studies done when we discovered something called neuroplasticity.

 If you break that word down neuro means relating to nerves or the nervous system and plasticity means the quality of being easily shaped or molded. So then the full definition of neuroplasticityis the ability of the brain to form and reorganize somatic connections especially in response to learning or experience or following injury. This discovery showed us if we can get our brains to form new neural connections, your intellectual quotient also known as IQ can possibly increase as well brainplasticity is a common term used by neuroscientist referring to the brain'sability to change at any age for the better or the worst. What we discoveredis gray matter in our brains can actually shrink or thicken and so neural connections could be forged and refined or weakened and severed. 

You heard of the saying use-it-or-lose-it right? Much like a muscle, not working out can lead to adecline in the brain's ability to use several neural path ways. Which can lead to things like memory decline and decline in cognitive functions. But what has been found is that under the right circumstances.

 The power of brain plasticity can help adult minds to grow! Again, in this article we'll be going over three powerful training techniques you could do anywhere that can help you toincrease your IQ which means will help you become smarter. Now let me say this before we begin. Doing these techniques for a short time only is not going to change you. It's gonna require time and patience exactly like working out you cannot go hard on week one and slack off week 2 and week 3 you're back to square one. With nothing. In order to see great results these trainings have to be done at least five times a week. Even thoughI'll be showing you three different trainings, you still have the choice of choosing one or doing them all. Just as long as you can stay long-term with the plan and do them every day, you can find amazing results. 

Technique number one. One of the most important findings of recent neuroplasticity research is the discovery of how closely our senses are connected to memory and cognition and this specific training will aim just at that. It is called image streaming. It isbelieved that on average we produce 50,000 thoughts a day! If I tell you to imagine right now an elephant flying with a balloon high up in the air, you probably already pictured it in your mind. Something like this right? This is essentially like active day dreaming. Day dreaming except you're conscious and active while doing it. So what I mean is you're gonna use your mind's eye to see what you picture in your head and this is where you're gonna use image streaming. You'll have to begin to use your mind's eye to start describing what you see in full details. Of course I recommend to close your eyes while doing this and also it's important that you're gonna want to describe out to yourself with your own voice what you're seeing in as much detail as possible, so let's usethe elephant example again.

 Right now I see a checkered black and white light house and a giant white moon in the gray sky with dark circular craters. Now I see a grey elephant floating with a hot air balloon that's black with orange stripes in a slow forward motion towards the blue ocean. See how I actually made it simple and described it in details? Oh wait. That's only one-fifth of thetechnique four more parts of the technique? But don't worry it's not that complicated. You're just gonna have to describe out with your voice the next four senses of what.

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