Hey everybody it's your personal trainer coach Kozak and I'm Claudia and this is a 18 Min Sciatica Exercises for Leg Pain Relief. Sciatica Relief Treatment for Sciatic Nerve Pain these sciatica stretches do not require any equipment but depending on the surface you're stretching on you may want to use a mat for comfort follow me for the traditional stretches and I will be providing the easier modifications all right.
Let's begin we're going to the floor to start we're going to lie down on our back and we're going to do alying hip rotation so go and set that left foot down on the ground. Bring your opposite foot up with your right leg we're going to take that right hip through the full range of dynamic motion. So we're going to press gently on that knee every time and every time you can get just a little bit more range of motion. So again we're going through this 10 times and through out all these movements today your range of motion may not be what ours is that's okay make it your own and that tenth time.
let's hold now hold and press feel that hip stretchand on all these stretches today I want you to take it to about 85% so don't take it to the one we're starting to hurt or or stress you. But instead where it just feels like a good stretch for holding this for 15 seconds let's go three two one and done okay let's switch bring that opposite foot up and again.We're going to go through that dynamic range of motion ten times there's anynerves or tendons that are stock in your in your hip is a good one to loosen them up go taking the through the full range of motion nice and controlled nice and easy ten times.
Breathing throughout good going a little further every time to one and on this last one .Hold good if you need to you can grab the drops inside hand and hold this foot in place . Just press press on that knee fill that hip stretch again aim it for 15 seconds on this one and we are breathing let's go three two one zero excellent ok.
Similar position for the next one let's go back to that right legwe're going to do a figure four bring that right leg up. We're going to reach through your legs both hands wrapped around that knee now we're going to pull this knee into so on this one we're not doing the dynamic range of movement we're just pulling and holding for 15 seconds.
Now you might be able to pull it all the way to your chest or you might be goods is right here every body's a little bit different so again you make this routine your own your own capabilities today breathe pull again feel that stretch all through your hipsand glutes and three two one excellent alright. let's bring that opposite leg upand do the left side again pulling to your chest breathe.
When this height is definitely tighter than my right side actually it is on me too and you might experience that that's alright going through these you might experience some kick figure out a couple spots are tighter than you.Head into the data it might discover some new things about yourself there's nothing wrong with that let's hold four three two one and zero all right good.
Next we're going to workon your piriformis which is two up here this little furry me with your sciatic nerve runs through off and causes a sciatic nerve pain. So we're going to target that one with this next dress go to kick that leg over your right leg over your left we're going to angle that left knee in just a little bit all right. Now we're going to grab that right knee with both hands and we're going to take it through a dynamic your movement. But we're pulling that right knee to your left shoulder so you're pulling it across so not just back not just over what you're pulling it up and across and out toward your shoulder up towards your shoulder and again about ten times through this range of motion a little bit more of a stretch every time.
Working your way into it to one and on this last one 15-second hold and stretch good should I stretch all down your leg into the glutes may be a little bit in your back that's alright that's how we know what's wor.
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