Here in this article I want to share with you the most common cause of a b12 deficiency. But let's just talk about what b12 is it's an essential, B vitamin that you must get from your diet and what it does.
It makes these little things called nucleic acids which are the foundational genetic material for yourselves, so basically they make the foundation of red blood cells white blood cells and myelin. What is myelin? Myelin is the outer covering of your nervous system and it allows the conductivity of nerve impulses to travel. When you lose myelin, you have all sortsof electrical problems pain problems nerve problems pain MC all sorts of things so that's what happens when you're deficient in that.
But you can also become fatigued pale memory problems dementia Alzheimer's neurological issues like peripheral neuropathy would even with like--that's foot pain or hand pain, anemia kind of you're completely. You know there's something called pernicious anemia. I'm not going to get into that what it is but it comes from b12 deficiency.
But most b12 deficiency does not come from necessarily diet it comes from the stomach not being acid enough low stomach acid okay, because it takes a very strong acidic stomach to absorb b12 into the body. A lot of people have a problem with the pH in their stomach normally a pH of the stomach, should between one and three, which is really really acidic. The way you know you have a low stomach acid, is you have acid reflux GERD gas bloating, because the stomach is needed to be able to close the valve that just protein absorb minerals like calcium iron.
All these different minerals one third of everyone over the age of 65 has a b12 deficiency but they all will also have a low stomach acid problem so it's a really simple solution to fix a big problem. So what do we recommend apple cider vinegar okay apple cider vinegar pills or just go ahead. Start drinking with your meals with some water with a little straw and that will create some really cool changes for a lot of people just by adding that.
One little thing in there and you know you don't even need to take more b12 you can just go ahead and acidify the stomach and a lot of things clear up. You start to absorb b12 so it's a real simple solution now to build the stomach acid.
You also need a certain healthy salt like in sea salt because a lot of times when you're low and sea salt, the acid goes down also. You need potassium comes from the vegetables so you need potassium to build the acid also iodine, so you do need these minerals as well.
If you're taking anti acids or you're just eating poorly or you're not taking enough minerals eating healthy, you will lose the stomach acid. Then you start having a problem with it, so it's a whole chain reaction okay. So go ahead and plug this in as far as to fix this and see how much better you feel write your comments below follow me and I will see you in the next article.
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