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Friday, 4 December 2020

Relieve Stress And Anxiety With Simple Breathing Techniques By Doctor Jo

  Hi everybody it's Doctor Jo and mr. Bear,and today I'm going to show you two simple breathing techniques to relieve stress. so let's get started.

 So for the first breathing exercise or technique, this one is really great. It's nice because it helps relieve stress, it helps relieve anxiety. They actually use it in the military for special ops missions to help relax the military folks before they go into battle or things that will get them really stressed out and anxious. so this is just either called box breathing or square breathing, and it's kind of like it sounds. 

You have to use alittle bit of imagery with this, so even if you have to look at something that'sa box, sometimes that helps with your breathing technique. but it's really simple and so all you're gonna do is you're breathing in for four seconds.imagining you're going up the square, then you're gonna hold your breath for four seconds. then you're gonna breathe out for four seconds, and then you'regonna hold your breath again for four seconds. so you're really just making that square with that four seconds. breathing in, holding it, breathing out,and then holding it again. so this one you know if you feel like you're gonnapass out, don't keep holding your breath, but it's four seconds so it should be pretty doable. So I'm gonna count for you instead of actually holding my breath just so you can do it. 

This is great because again it's nice and that helps you relax. You can do may be four to five sets at a time just to kind of help get you relaxed. So get in a nice good comfortable position, so you can really get that breath, breathing in.

 So let's start here, and again even if you have to make the image with your finger or if you use your eyes some where like a photoor painting on the wall or something, make sure that you're using that imageryas well because that helps you relax. let's start here in the corner. so we'regoing to go up one, two, three, four. hold your breath one, two, three, four. breathe out one, two, three, four. hold it again one,two, three, four. and then breathe in again one, two, three, four. hold your breathone, two, three, four. breathe out one, two, three, four. and holdyour breath again one, two, three, four. so again mine's usually the hardest is after you breathe out, and then you're whole trying to hold your breath, but again once you do more. 

You'll start feeling that you have more you know strengthen your lungs to do it and hold it pretty easily. so again may be four to five times, it just depends on how stressed out you are. A lot of times even like if you're going to the doctor's or something you get a little anxious with,that if you do some of that in the waiting room, that'll help you kind of relax and calm down. 

So it's a really nice technique to use almost anywhere,but especially when you have a lot of stress or anxiety. so the next breathing technique is going to be when you're breathing out with pursed lips and whatpursed lips do is it makes your lungs work harder because the opening is smaller. So again don't keep going and if you're feeling like you're passing out, you know may be do less seconds for it. 

But really try and build up to it it's gonna help your lungs get stronger. It's gonna help relieve your stress and your anxiety, and just kind of help relax you in general. so for this one what you're gonna do is you're gonna do some belly breathing, or the diaphragmatic breathing and that's really just breathing in through your belly instead of through your chest.

 Sometimes it's hard to get that down, but if you put your hand on your belly, you can feel it go in and out, and that's a good way to get that belly breathing. So you're gonna breathe in through your belly for four seconds, and then you're gonna purse your lips and breat.

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