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Saturday, 5 December 2020

A Good Mindset Makes A Good Life/ Powerfull Mindset Motivation

  I don't think people really understand the power that they possess on a daily basis.  It's a muscle that only needs to be exercised and once exercised,  its potential is limitless. 

I was 19 years old, I had one year old baby and another one on the way,  and I didn't have a pot to piss in.  I was working in a factory, 12 hour shift days and nights,  and I made a decision to change.I painted my earphones orange and blue  to match the color of the earplugs that we had to wear. All I would do was listen to audios like this one,  training my mind every second I could.That decision changed my life forever. 

 Remember this, you can be a victim of your life or the master of it,  but the choice is yours.You have greatness inside you let me tell you, unlimited potential. But you have to train your mind. Every single day things are going to happen outside of you control. The weather, terrorism, coronavirus, but you can't control any of that shit.  All you can control is how you choose to look at situations. You can control the information that you're letting in here. Never forget that you can have anything in this life that you want  if you're willing to go and get it.You got to have belief, you've got to have belief  and that belief comes from working on your mindset every single day. 

 Read books, listen to audios like this one,start learning about why you  do the things that you shouldn't do and why you don't do the things that you should.  It's all because of the “why”, that thing between your ears is why. But know this,you're in control of rewiring it . Whenever you make the decision to do so.At any moment,   you can take control back of your life and start creating a life that you deserve,  not a life that someone else has paved out for you.  Why not now?It's the right time, isn't it?  To challenge your mindset. Because the situation in your life today  doesn't need to be the situation tomorrow, you know this to be true,  this is your human gift, so may be it's the right time for new goals,  it's the right time to make a plan,it's the right time to become more accountable.  It's the right time for change.

The first question,  where does that change come from? Because is it enough, you want  the change, you have new goals,you have new plans, is that enough?  Does that alone make it happen?Of course not.

 So go deeper, change your actions,change your behaviors, go to the gym, go to the library, shut off your phone,meditate every day, show up differently,  actually start to be the person you dreamed of being. But where did that change come from? Run the experiment, set a new routine, change your habits,alter your schedule, wake up earlier, refocus your day, stop wasting time.Then pause and ask yourself.  Where is the change? Where did these new actions start, what was the source?

The change was you, it's always you,  that's the power of mindset.No matter how you dissect   change in your life your mind was at the start, change happens, it's you,  change doesn't happen, it's you, your mindset defines the outcome. 

So then take on the second question.How?  How do you alter your mindset?The only path is through new awareness. You could receive advice all day long, many people do,  they love being told what to do,they're hooked on new books, new ideas, new lists,  they learn and learn and learn in all directions except the one that matters most, learning about themselves.There is no getting around this.  It's hard to sustain new happiness without new awareness.  

You can go for the run, you can have the hard conversation,  you can eat better food, you can wake up early, read at night, you can do it all,  but does it make you happier?Deep down, long term, that's the metric, if it does, if you're happier,it's because you realize something   new about yourself.The change was you. You recognized why your new habits shifted your outlook,  it was about challenging your old mindset.We started with this idea that now was the time.

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