8 Signs Your Body Gives You A Month Before A Heart Attack: In a world full of diseases and conditions,researchers and scientists are constantly searching for cures. But the easiest way to deal with a disease and condition is trying to prevent it before it occurs. Granted, a lot of heart diseases and conditions are genetic, so it’s almost impossible to prevent those. But something like a heart attack can be prevented. Heart attack signs are constantly presentand by not acknowledging them, you increase the risk of them occurring. More than 90 million Americans suffer from some form of heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. Without a properly functioning heart, the rest of the body will fail. No heartbeat means no life, and the more damage you cause to your heart, the higher the risk of it stopping completely. With that said, there are heart attack signals and heart attack symptoms that will surface a month before it will happen. It’s our job to acknowledge them and not ignore them. It could save our lives. Never under estimate the importance of heart health! Keep reading for the top heart attack signs that can occur a month before it will happen. Before we begin this article, don’t forgetto follow to our blog for more daily tips like this on our new articles!
8. Cold Sweats and Dizziness: When your body has poor blood circulation, your brain will not receive the proper blood flow that it requires to function properly. This is a sign that you may be in some danger,according to Medicinenet. You should seek medical attention if the colds weats and dizziness do not subside.
7. Chest Pain or Pressure: This is one of the most noticeable heart attack signs. It’s called angina. Medicinenet states this is caused when your heart is not getting enough oxygen-rich blood. Many people ignore this symptom because they think it’s just indigestion. But if the pressure is constant, it’s a direct sign that a heart attack may happen. If you feel unusual chest pain or pressure, you may be having heart issues. Want to know what type of fruit is the best type to eat to help prevent a heart attack, stroke, and other serious heart health issues like heart disease? Well, keep reading till the very end to findout what it is!
6. Weak: According to the Daily Health Post, if you start to sweat and feel weak, or start experiencing nausea, jaw pain, or heart pain, you might be in danger of having a heart attack. These heart attack symptoms occur because your arteries are starting to narrow. When your arteries become narrow, there is no longer proper blood flow throughout the body. If your heart does not get sufficient, blood,it will fail. Watch for the signals! 5. Flu-Like Symptoms: If you are in danger of having a heart attack, you may begin to develop flu-like symptoms, says the Daily Health Post. These symptoms include fever, fatigue and chest pain. These symptoms can last between 2 to 10 days. Depending on your age, if you’re an older individual and can’t shake these heart attack symptoms, go see your doctor immediately. Let me be clear though; if you get the fluor a cold, it does not mean you are in danger of having a heart attack, but the symptoms need to be monitored.
4. Chronic Fatigue: If you are constantly feeling tired and sluggish, and it’s unprecedented, there might be a loss of blood flow to your heart, explains the daily health post. This generally occurs when there is a large buildup of plaque in the arteries that carry the blood to-and-from the heart.
3. Shortness of Breath: Another organ that suffers from loss of blood flow is the lung. If your lungs do not receive enough blood, you will not be able to breathe enough air. If you don’t breathe enough air, your brain will not be able to receive enough oxygen. Not breathing enough air will result in shortnessof breath, according to Medicinenet.
2. Insomnia: If you are having trouble going to sleep, this can lead to a heart attack. Most people that suffer from insomnia are also suffering from anxiety and depression, says WebMD. Anxiety can increase your blood pressure which can lead to a heart attack. Research has shown that depression and heartattacks are linked, so trying to figure out what’s making you sad could save your life.
1. Stomach Pain: WebMD states that if you start to feel abdominal pains such as nausea and bloating, it could be an early sign of a heartattack. It could just as easily be nothing serious,but abdominal pains before a heart attack will leave and return in short periods of time. If you feel both stomach pain and heart pain,you should see a doctor. Now that you know what signs to look for that you may be susceptible to having a heart attack, here’s the fruit that you should eat to help prevent a heart attack, stroke, and other serious health issues!
Dates. What are dates, exactly? Well, dates are a flowering plant species in the palm family. In order to be the number one food that can prevent heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol, the food contains something special. Dates are loaded with calcium, iron, magnesium,potassium, and zinc, which give them huge health benefits. Here are some reasons dates can help preventa heart attack or stroke!
Prevents Atherosclerosis: According to Israeli researchers, eating dates at least once a day can protect you from developing atherosclerosis,says the Daily Health Post. If you’re unfamiliar with atherosclerosis,it’s when plaque builds inside your arteries.Over time, this plaque will harden which narrows your arteries and can cause a heart attack or a stroke. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that eating at least 3.75 ounces of dates daily for four weeks can decrease your triglyceride (fats) levels by 15%. They also reduce the amount of oxidation offats in your body by at least 33%, which in turn, lowers your blood cholesterol.
Lowers Blood Pressure: According to a Harvard Medical School study, dates are one of the best foods that can help lower blood pressure. Researchers of the study recommend consuming 8 servings (half a pound) of dates a week.
Strokes: In the United States, a stroke is the leading cause of serious, long-term disability. Every year, almost 795,000 people suffer a stroke. Out of that total, roughly 600,000 are first time attacks. So the goal is to try and prevent them from ever occurring. According to the Daily Health Post, dates are the number one food that can help prevent a stroke; as well as preventing high blood pressure and cholesterol. Dates have loads of magnesium in them. With that said, there have been several studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that show that by consuming 100mg of magnesium daily, you can decrease the risk of a stroke by 10%.
Other Health Benefits: According to a 2005 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacy, consuming dates on a daily basis can actually soothe inflamed ulcers in your digestive tract. The reason this is possible according to researchers is that the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the dates mitigate the increased ethanolin histamine and gastrin concentrations.
Prevents Cancer: As mentioned multiple times already, dates contain high levels of magnesium. It calms the inflammation in the body, which has been linked to multiple diseases, which includes cancer. With that said, a 2015 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition shows that consuming dates can help reduce the chances of developing colon cancer.
Healthy Pregnancy and Delivery: When it comes to having a child, women want a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Researchers at the University of Science andTechnology wanted to discover how consuming dates impacted labor parameters and delivery out comes. They studied 69 women over the course of ayear. They found that women who consumed dates for the last four weeks before labor reduced their need for induction and augmentation of labor. So, do you recognize any of the signs of aheart attack in this article? What are some foods you incorporate into your diet for good heart health? Let us know in the comments section below! Enjoyed this articl? please follow to our blog for more articles like this! Thanks for reading!
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